@KTzone » 資源 - 其他分類 » 資源 - 遊戲綜合資源超連 » Mechanicus: Star Confrontation (Portable)

2011-1-19 20:49 naab123
Mechanicus: Star Confrontation (Portable)

[B] Mechanicus: Star Confrontation (Portable) [/ b]

[Img] [img]http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/8683/mechanicusmain.jpg[/img] [/ img]

[B] Info: [/ b]

Mechanicus: Star Confrontation (Portable) | 97.9MB
Genre: Puzzle

Protect the Earth by solving perplexing puzzles and solving tricky problems in Mechanicus, a fun and challenging Brain Teaser game.
Work with conventional devices with earthly physics, as well as alien technology like teleporters and antigravity devices. Discover various solutions to each puzzle by using your imagination and resourcefulness!
System Requirements: -
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: 1.2GHz
RAM: 512MB
DirectX: 9.0

Download size: 97.9MB
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[Img] [img]http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5043/mechanicusss.jpg[/img] [/ img]

[B] Fileserve.com [/ b]

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